
Friday, February 4, 2011


Earlier this week at work, I was talking to Kristy about all of my favorite songs, or songs of the day, and at some point in the conversation she used the term "PlayLIZt" to describe all of them. Then with some more help from her brilliant mind, I came up with the idea to post a PlayLIZt of my favorites on the blog. For some reason when I get stuck on a song I play it over and over all the time and it usually lasts a few days at least, so every week I'll post my song obsession for the week. I hope you will enjoy these songs as much as I do. 

P.S. I figure I would just start with the month of February and add in two songs for the month of January, you know so there's at least one song in every month this year and I had more than one song obsession in the month of January. :)

Song of January

February: Week 1



Jessica Tibbitts said...

:) oh I'm going to love this game!

Spratt said...

Blue Eyes by the Cary Brothers is one of my favorite songs too!