Recently, I've thought a lot about faith, fear, and loneliness. I feel like, in general, I live a pretty decent life. I honestly look around and feel so completely blessed. I would even say I have an awesome life. However, being the person I am, and I think the people we all are, I constantly feel like I could be doing more, and even more, that I could just be more.
As I've sought to learn how I can do this, I have felt moments of fear—feeling like I don't understand the how's and why's of so many things, and the what's for that matter. I hate feeling fear, because I think deep down I truly believe that since faith is the opposite of fear, I should be able to not fear anything if I have enough faith. I know though, that we all have fears, and we are all very imperfect, and that's okay. It's just that sometimes it doesn't feel okay.

I find it so completely interesting that even if Heavenly Father doesn't tell us what to do, how to make it better, or where to go from here, He is there. He and our Savior are there just to be there, just because we need them to be. Today, and every day, I am grateful for that.
Happy Sunday!