
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Could Use a Little Hope

Do you ever feel like you'd rather never watch the news or read an article online again? That's how I've been feeling lately.

With everything from Obama's health care plan, to the fires that have claimed so many homes and even lives.

It's hard to feel like everything isn't going down the crapshoot.

I get frustrated and annoyed when I see that children are dying in their own neighborhoods and 150 members of the LDS church decide to make a spectacle of their choices to leave the Church.

I guess what I'm saying is I could use a little hope. Hope in the world and the people in it.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Strength to Overcome Fear

In the last little while, and even in the last week, I have seen heartbreak, death, and those who have experienced what I would call "disappointment at the hand of those who do not understand." 

And while I've seen so many hurt, it has brought upon me no lack of fear. It's hard to watch others go through hard things because it makes me think about the hard things that may be ahead for both me, my husband, and us collectively. So what comes from that?

I have spent every possible moment trying to find those feelings of faith that bring us all the strength enough to face the challenges of life. You know that feeling when you know that no matter what hard things happen, you will be able to get something good from it. There is hope in all things. With the Lord there is. I don't know if I've quite reached that point in this instance, but I'm working on it. 

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have felt it is time to re-center myself and re-align to what really matters and what I need not fear.  

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Looking Back Amazed

Do you ever look back and are amazed at who you've become? I'm wouldn't say I've become this amazing person and I wouldn't say that I have a ton of regrets either, but I would say I have grown. I have become someone I can be proud of and someone who also has a lot of work to do to be even better. 

I also look back and sometimes think about all the things I did or didn't do that have placed me here. It's all pretty amazing to me. Who'd have known. I sure didn't. What I do know is that life is more good than bad and I'll take that any day. :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's Okay to Be Okay

The other day I was feeling completely unmotivated. I was feeling as I have at moments of my life--like a failure. Do you ever feel like you want to be better than you are, but you just feel like you cant, whether it's lack of lack of motivation, lack of energy, or lack of hope? Well, on this "other day" I decided to write something to half explain how I felt, and to half give me a little bit of hope. For those of you who have ever felt like you're not quite cutting it--this is for you. 

It’s okay to not be the master of anything but yourself.
It’s okay to be unsure.
When the mundaneness of life won’t go away,
And everything is as it was yesterday--
That’s okay.

It’s okay to wish things were different sometimes.
It’s okay to be frustrated.
When you find yourself in a hole,
In a place of mediocrity,
That’s okay.

Some might say, “It’s time to fight.”
And you might feel ashamed.
But instead of feeling you’re not doing enough,
Today, just let it be okay.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

No Matter What—Life is Beautiful

Lately, every day I have had feelings and thoughts wondering what tomorrow and the next day will bring. 

I would say I look forward to the future maybe more than most, but I also realize that with the promise of so much good there are bound to be many obstacles. 

And not just the "we have an unexpected expense this month," but also the "how do work, kids, and school together all work out in the future?" And you know what, I don't have any specific answers to the questions I wonder about, but I do have one thing: 

I have a whole heck of a lot of comfort from my Heavenly Father that however life just happens to work out, it WILL work out. 

Lately, I've been really into reading articles in the Ensign on my tablet (and yes part of this probably has to do with the fact that I like to find more things to read on my tablet), but what I've realized is that as I stay focused on what is good and how loved both Will and I are, I can't help but find every moment of life a little more enjoyable. I smile just thinking of the joy that comes from knowing the truths of the gospel.

We are loved, we are watched over, and I KNOW we have a Father in heaven and a Savior who long more for our happiness than we could ever imagine or hope for. 

Smile. Life is beautiful.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I'm Sexy and I Know It

I don't know how many of you know, but I had surgery about 3 weeks ago to remove my gall bladder. It had been giving me problems for a few months so we decided it was time for it to come out. Anyway, after I came out of surgery Will filmed this video of me on my phone. If you have ever wondered what I would be like under some sort of "influence," wonder no more. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was pretty much the same as I am always. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but I like it. So, without further delay...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Who Will Make a Difference? Reflections on What It Took to Make Joseph Kony Famous

I'm sure many of you have seen the video about Joseph Kony. Like others, I am disgusted at what he has done and continues to do as the leader of the rebel group LRA. Now, I don't want to take away from the importance of that message in any way, but watching the video made me think about something else as well. 

Jason Russell, the filmmaker in charge of the intensely moving picture has done something incredible. I realize that he hasn't done it alone. I also realize that he has worked very hard on this project for years. There's no doubt we can assume this project has been one of dedication and time. We hear stories, we see stories just like this one--one where one person, or a few people, saw the need for change and they used what they knew to make a difference. My question is, are there some of us out there who might have seen what Jason saw and come back to the U.S. and thought how sad it was, but done nothing more?

What makes the difference between what causes one to act and one not to? Is it in their nature? Is it that some of us are leaders and some of us are followers? Or is it that some of us believe we can actually make a difference and half of us have just enough guts to try?


In case you haven't seen the video:


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What makes you smile?

I read a quote once, something about not writing for the sake of writing, but writing for the sake of telling a story. So what happens when you feel like writing, but you can't think of any one particular story? I guess the nice part about a blog is that if nobody reads it or if nobody cares, it's not the end of the world--just words on a page online. 

I guess if I could write about anything right now it would just be that I wish life were less busy. I think pretty much everyone I know is busier than I am, but I can't help but hate the feeling that I'm spending so much time maintaining my life (or something that resembles that) that I feel like I'm not taking the time to do enough things that are a part of the "living" of life. 

I have to say that I am very blessed and I have a wonderful life, but sometimes I wish life were a little bit less about what is going on on the outside of us and more about what's going on on the inside. Maybe it's as simple as taking the time to write more for myself, and spend more time on my blog, but whether it's that or something else, I think maybe we should indulge ourselves a little more in what makes us smile, what makes us laugh, what inspires us, what motivates us to keep going every day. Just a thought...or five. ;)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Proof is in the Picture

Okay, this post is EXTREMELY delayed, but it is what it is. I guess after the wedding you go so fast into "being married" that you move on from "getting married," which is exactly why I didn't take the time to post any pictures until now. So for those of you who want to see, here are some of the proofs of those moments from the big day. (And I decided to save myself a lot of time and not post a caption for each picture.) ;)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What Do I Know?

Recently, I've thought a lot about the things we know and the things we don't. How all of us know so much, and how the great majority of it isn't even about the same things. I know people who I swear somehow find things out as soon as they happen, but doesn't spend all day online so I don't know how he does it. I know other people who talk about the great authors and others who can rattle off the specs of a great computer or the inner workings of the best-made cars.

So I thought to myself: What do I know?

I thought of everything I've ever learned. The miscellaneous facts I keep stored in my head that will most likely never really serve anyone but me; the knowledge I've gained from my formal education; and the little lessons my parents taught me as a kid that I keep with me to this day. So is what I know worth knowing? And, what is in the future for me to learn?

Just curious.