
Friday, February 25, 2011

PlayLIZt: February Week 4 (Jack)

I don't know if anyone else is like me in the fact that everywhere I go I hear the music around me. Those who know me best will tell you whether in restaurants, clothing stores, or background music on the radio, I hear it everywhere. The best part is, when I hear a song I like I have to figure out the title and artist so I can download it later.

Whoever invented tagging for music was a genius. You'll know what I mean when I tell you the story about this week's PlayLIZt pick of the week.

While I was in Las Vegas over Presidents' Day I had one of the biggest shopping sprees of my life. No joke. We went shopping at the Primm Outlet Mall and I more or less went to town. :) Anyway, the first store we went to was Ann Taylor. I have never bought anything there, but there were great deals so I figured I would check it out. Well, low and behold, Ann Taylor has fantastic music. In fact, pretty much every store I went into there had great music. 

Great Shopping +Great Music=Great time.

So I was changing in the dressing room at Ann Taylor when this song came on and I had to pause and Shazaam (Tag) it on my phone so I could share it with you.:) As a tribute to a great weekend with great music, here is the PlayLIZt pick of the week.

Enjoy! :)

"Jack" by Pixie Lott

Relationship Lessons from Peter Shankman Seminars

I don't know how many of you know Peter Shankman, but he is a hilarious presenter on PR and social media and really knows his stuff.
Anyway, this past week I attended a webinar he was giving through PRWeb, and as I was listening I realized there are a lot of theories and ideas involved in social media that can be applied to relationships. I thought some of them were pretty interesting, so for your entertainment value, here are three relationship lessons that I thought of off the top of my head:

#1 - Transparency. Peter Shankman is always talking about how in this day and age it is quite easy for people to find out the truth about you or your company, so it's better to be honest up front instead of trying to hide something from your consumers.

In a relationship it's important to be yourself. If you try too much to be "what the other person wants" you will waste a great deal of time and energy. At some point they will see the real you, whether it's sooner or later. You might as well let them know up front who you are. Not that they need to know everything right away, but being yourself is always good advice I'd say.

#2 - Brevity. Peter Shankman talks about the importance of being brief when making a pitch to a reporter, or really to anyone.

This principle definitely applies to first meetings and first dates with those of the opposite sex. The first date, especially if it's a blind date, should never last very long. Date #1 is the "get to know you enough so I can decide if it's worth my time or yours to see each other again" date. Sometimes making a date too long can ruin what could have been a pretty good date otherwise.

Disclaimer: I have had first dates that were somewhere in the 4 hour range that were great, but I've also had all day or "marathon" dates on first or second dates and that's just exhausting.

#3 - Don't Talk at People; Talk to them. Peter Shankman mentions how important it is to listen to your customers as a business owner. You can't just push messages out there and not be listening to what the people who use your product are saying.

How many times are you on a date and you realize the person is not really listening, or how many times do you realize you've just zoned out in the middle of someone's conversation. It's always key to listen before you speak, and to be with someone who does the same.

I'm sure there are crazy amounts of more theories I could apply to relationships from Peter Shankman's brilliant seminars, but I'd say three is good for now. Hopefully, you get as much out of these as I did.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

PlayLIZt: February Week 3

Okay, I know this is a little bit early, but I am going out of town for the weekend and wanted to post the song of the week before I left. Last Saturday I got on iTunes and went on a search for some new good music and found this gem. Honestly, it just has a great sound that makes me feel like I'm cruising through these beautiful moments of life. On top of that, anybody who has ever had more-than-just-a-friend feelings for a friend can completely relate.

Enjoy! :)

"Someday" by Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors

P.S. Let me know what you think.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

PlayLIZt: February Week 2

As I was thinking about a song to post for the PlayLIZt this week I couldn't help but think of this song from Leona Lewis that I recently discovered. I will admit although I have a love for music, I often discover songs a year or two after they have been released. Whether a new song, or just new to me, great music is great music!

Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Faithful Through Tribulation

I will be the first to admit I don't have the longest attention span, especially when it comes to going to an institute class after a busy Tuesday at work. However, yesterday I heard some scriptures that described not only exactly what I needed to hear, but what I think a lot of people need to hear--essentially, the message that yes, we will experience tribulation in this life, but the glory we receive for keeping our Father in Heaven's commandments in this life is worth it and greater than anything we can imagine, even though we're not there yet. We just need to hold on and keep going.

D&C 58:2-4
2 For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven.
3 Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation.
4 For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Earlier this week at work, I was talking to Kristy about all of my favorite songs, or songs of the day, and at some point in the conversation she used the term "PlayLIZt" to describe all of them. Then with some more help from her brilliant mind, I came up with the idea to post a PlayLIZt of my favorites on the blog. For some reason when I get stuck on a song I play it over and over all the time and it usually lasts a few days at least, so every week I'll post my song obsession for the week. I hope you will enjoy these songs as much as I do. 

P.S. I figure I would just start with the month of February and add in two songs for the month of January, you know so there's at least one song in every month this year and I had more than one song obsession in the month of January. :)

Song of January

February: Week 1


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Great Music on a Saturday Night

On Saturday, I went to my see my friend Kristy perform at Legend's Grill with the Feel Good Alliance group. She was amazing! I beamed with pride as I stood front and center cheering her on. :) It was a great night! Some of my other favorite parts are unfortunately not documented in the pictures below, but I loved the break/step dancers, Young Sim's (who is featured below) rapping and the awesome dj who just might have to mix at my wedding reception someday-yes, mix. :)

Shanna and Kristy before Kristy performed.

The beginning of Kristy's set.

Kristy singin' her heart out. :)

Young Sim. I swear I was so close he kept looking right over my head.